Imprint & Disclosure

Media Proprietor / Publisher


Am Hof 6a
1010 Vienna

Phone: +43 (0) 50313-0

Data protection officer:

Legal form: Stock corporation
Place of business: Vienna, Austria
Commercial register number: FN 76023z
Commercial Register Court: Vienna Commercial Court
VAT Reg. No.: ATU14703908

Chamber membership: Austrian Federal Economic Chamber (WKÖ)
Trade association: Österreichs Energie
Regulatory authority: Energie-Control Austria for the regulation of electricity and natural gas markets (E-Control)

The purpose of the company focuses on the generation, transmission, trade and sale of electrical energy. Further information about VERBUND AG and its subsidiaries is available at the corporate website

Basic orientation of this website: sector and company-related information for start-ups, partners and the general public.

Special legal bases: Austrian Electricity Act with the associated regulations and implementing legislation. The indicated legal bases can be viewed via the legal information system of the Federal Chancellery at